Accessing Graey’s Cameras:
In order to access the camera stream from Graey’s USB Low-Light and OAK-D Wide, we needed to setup an RTSP streaming protocol. This is already done for us due to the work from RoboSub 2023 – running directly through terminal after running “roscore” on a separate terminal starts a camera stream that can be specified through said terminal. We were able to access both cameras, with guidance from Eesh. See “Accessing Graey Cameras” for a full step-by-step process.
Fig. 1: Running roscore to enable ROS functionality on the Jetson present on Graey – without this command, no ROS capabilities are possible, which makes it generally the first command we run whenever doing testing.
Fig. 2: Running after running roscore in order to start a video stream. “/dev/video0” represents a USB camera, while “OAK-D” is an OAK-D. From here you select the camera ID and control the state of the stream.
Fig. 3: The third step after running; this enables an RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) on the specified camera (denoted by the argument passed in after “./”, in this case ID 3).