Upcoming Events:
Partnership with University of San Diego STEAM Academy to teach robotics fundamentals, and provide students with a hands on robotics experience - July 15-26
Partnership with Urban Life Ministries to conduct robotics summer camps for K-12 students to introduce them to STEAM - July 22-26
Team Inspiration will provide logistic & technical support to our non-profit Advancing Science, Technology, and Art to establish a robotics section at the existing San Diego Mesa College STEM center. We will facilitate STEM learning by teaching a weekly class, once material is in place. We expect this initiative to be ready by the fall semester of 2024.
Partnership with Fleet Science Center to teach and showcase robotics.
Robotics showcase at the Navy Gold Coast, San Diego Convention
Ongoing Events:
Annual FIRST Global Coaching - June to September - Benin, Togo, Paraguay, & Ecuador
Mentoring FTC members for software development
Past Events:
Website development and social media management with FTC members
Team Demo at San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering
Team Demo at SeaPerch San Diego Tournament
Past Events:
Annual FIRST Global Coaching - June to September - Benin, Togo, Paraguay, & Ecuador
Robotics showcase at the Navy Gold Coast, San Diego Convention - July 27/28
Robotics Workshop at Manna’s Martial Arts - July 31 - August 4
Partnership with University of San Diego STEAM Academy to teach robotics fundamentals, and provide students with a hands on robotics experience
Partnership with Urban Life Ministries to conduct robotics summer camps for K-12 students to introduce them to STEAM
Supporting Robotics Classes in Japan and Ghana
Showcased WAM-V to students during RobotX competition in Australia
Data Sharing through Robonation during RobotX competition
Mentoring FTC Junior members for mechanical designs and builds
Website development and social media management with middle school students
Team Demo at San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering
Team Demo at SeaPerch San Diego Tournament
RobotX competition at Sydney Australia
WE STEM Career Series - RSVP Here
FIRST Global Coaching - Benin, Togo, Paraguay, & Ecuador
Partnership with Fleet Science Center to teach and showcase robotics.
Mentoring a new FTC team
Team member’s ongoing STEM outreach effort: https://www.liftofftogether.org/
NGWIN Summit 2022 Speakers
Showcased our WAM-V and drone at the Navy Gold Coast’s 2022 event.
Sharing the benefits of and experience using computer science in majors that are not computer science with Del Norte High School computer science classes.
Hosted a FTC scrimmage and mentoring numerous FTC/FLL teams to support our local FIRST community.
Continued to partner with University of San Diego STEAM Academy to teach STEAM , and provide students with a hands on underwater robotics experience.
Hosted a summer camp at Manna’s Martial Arts to teach students about FIRST, EV3 mechanics, and programming.
Co-hosted a FTC league meet at Poway High School.
Introduced land and underwater robotics to elementary and middle school students
Donate materials to Si Se Puede foundation which provides opportunities for underserved youth to develop an interest in and proficiency in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Presented our lessons on team organization during Covid-19 at the San Diego Engineering Council, to help other teams work through the pandemic.
Continued to host monthly webinars through our SWENext club, WE STEM, to connect a public audience with female industry professionals, including Northrop Grumman Senior Director, Christy Predaina
Continued international outreach by creating FLL teams in South Asian secondary schools. We are starting teams in Nepal through our FTC captain's established non-profit, Agnite.
Presented our use of systems engineering in Robosub and FTC at INCOSE.
Hosted the annual FLL scrimmage for Meadowbrook Middle School teams online, to help teams adapt to the new competition format.
Tutored refugee students in foundational subjects, online.
Competed in the OpenCV AI competition and won Oak-D cameras to develop a CV library for FIRST
3D printed face shields and donated money for efforts to create masks
Continued mentoring Benin and Paraguay's FIRST Global teams.
Co-hosted an official FTC competition. Hosted and co-hosted 3 other robotics scrimmages.
Partnered with University of San Diego STEAM Academy to teach STEAM , encouraging students by exposing them to all subjects.
Partnered with the Fleet Science Center to create videos for Fleet2Go and FLEETtv.
Collaborated with Porpoise Robotics in developing low cost underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle for STEM education.
Joined forces with Krista Mitra High School in Indonesia to create video tutorials that taught students about engineering concepts that will be applicable to the industries of the future.
Tutored online Math and Physics.
Created video tutorials for our YouTube channel.
Teamed up with Barboza Space Center and Porpoise Robotics to teach STEAM in California and the Republic of Cabo Verde, Africa.
Created a SWENext club to promote STEM learning for girls.
Created a 501(c)(3) non-profit named Advancing Science, Technology, and Art so we can financially support efforts that spread sustainable STEAM education to under-served communities locally and globally.
Co-hosted Benin's first national robotics competition with femCoders, the U.S. Embassy, and Team Spyder.
Co-hosted robotics competition in Paraguay with the National University of Asuncion and Team Spyder.
Participated in FRC Showcase Tijuana, Mexico to promote STEM education.
Continued with FTC and mentored FLL teams.
Hosted a scrimmage for 8 FLL teams and co-hosted 2 other scrimmages.
Continued to support Benin with the help of FRC team Spyder. femCoders expanded their STEM training to 7 more schools. We continued mentoring Benin's FIRST Global team.
Started partnership with San Diego Children Museum to promote STEM.
Continued with FTC and mentored FLL teams. Hosted and co-hosted three robotics scrimmages.
Partnered with FIRST Global to coach team Benin. From team Benin's success we partnered with femCoders and US Embassy to train students in six schools in Benin. Donated 10 robotics kits to kick off the program.
Taught week-long robotics summer camps.
Introduced robotics into California Summer Games as battle of the minds - built a FRC frisbee shooting robot for the opening ceremony which was held at a sport stadium in front of 10,000+ people.
Supported all major Science Expos and Maker Faires in San Diego.
Started partnership with Autism organization and Fleet Science Center to promote STEM.
First year of FTC. We mentored FLL teams and trained some FLL coaches.
Hosted a scrimmage for 6 FLL teams.
Continued with FLL and hosted a 4-team robotics scrimmage.
Connected with professionals to create our project.
Continued with FLL and hosted a 3-team robotics scrimmage.
Connected with professionals to create our project.
Continued with FLL and hosted a 3-team robotics scrimmage.
Connected with professionals to create our project.
Continued with FLL and hosted a scrimmage with another team.
Connected with professionals to create our project.
Our first year of robotics, competed at FLL level.