20230128 Mounting Gripper onto sub

Mounting Gripper Onto 8020

Isometric view of full gripper assembly
  • Use original Newton Gripper Clamps (below) to mount the gripper to the sub

    • Using different M5 screws, the clamp can slide into the 8020 bar

    • If needed, two nuts or stoppers could be used to keep the clamp in place 

    • Since the orientation of the clamp is tilted 90 degrees, a 3d printed part should be fabricated to get the gripper in the proper position

      • For the rest of the week, I will work on creating a cad model for the mounting piece, either a new mounting piece, or a block that joins the bluerobotics clamp and 8020 channel. (Anagh)


20230426 New Gripper Design + Sliding Mount