20230123 Decision Making for the camera selection

Decision in the last meeting 20230121 was to use the oak-d in conjunction with the jeston nx. This was due to the readily available oak-d that the team had on hand as well as the relaxed size constraints of the camera due to the longer length of the enclosure compared to previous years of robosub. Additionally there were relaxed power restraints due to the usage of two batteries over one.

The decision was

If we are using the cameras as onboard computer we can downsize the computer to the nx (this limits the team to utilize yolo instead of traditional cv to process on the camera) 

If we are using the computer for vision processing we need to use the jetson agx.


reference : here

updated placement of OAK-D camera on electronics harness
updated placement of OAK-D camera on electronics harness, side view cross section

Split the lower plate into two parts to enable placement of oak-d


20230312 IMU Placement And Kill Switch Placement


20230107 Vertical Cable Grip