Capstone Project Proposals

To get people with technical experience onto our team, we recruited second, third, and fourth year college students by writing project proposals for their capstone class. Students were able to pick which sponsor’s project they wanted to work on for the 10 weeks of their class. Three of our four proposals were selected by the students.

Each proposal outlined deliverables and expectations, one of which was to provide a weekly documentation of each project’s progress/status. Our year round team members worked with the capstone students to integrate the code, procure parts, collect test and training data, and develop the payload designs.

Perception Proposal: Here

Drone Proposal: Here

Target Proposal: Here

Racquet-Ball Launcher Proposal: Here

boat and go kart


9/18/22 Progress of The Motor Guard with Airfoil Clamps


9/17/22 Prototyping the custom camera gimbal