4/29/22 GPS-RTK testing


Eesh Vij


RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) testing at park

1130 (18 min) seconds for 1.475m accuracy of base

Website says 1.5m to 2m base accuracy is still cm level for rover

Tested at South Creek Park, San Diego, CA

Open field, no large metal structures, no power lines, open sky and no clouds, ideal conditions. Slight breeze.Started survey at about 5:30pm PST. 

Walked in a straight line and tried to see if gps would drift 

Looks really straight to me so no drift

Was walking and then lost signal

Realized I needed to attach larger antennas in perpendicular positions for a better range.


Walked several paths and screen recorded to see how accurate the GPS was. 

Note the map image underlay is outdated so the GPS lat/long don't match with the image perfectly but relative movement is centimeter level accuracy.

Not a high refresh rate at least on ground station due to telemetry latency. \

Vehicle is likely getting much more frequent position updates.

RTK has 3 diff modes depending on the strength of the signal.

RTK Float: weakest

RTK Fix: best reliability

RTK 3D: a mix of float and fixed

The modes switch per GPS automatically and we have no control. 

Find software for best times to survey based on location for RTK systems (feature mentioned a ton online but no specific software mentioned)


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